Granular Delegation with Quest ActiveRoles Server

by dimikagi

I spent some time with a manufacturing client this week, and did quite a bit of hands on work with ActiveRoles Server.  The guy I worked with was quite good, “grokked” exactly how the product worked, and all the features it had.  However, there’s quite a lot there, and if you don’t spend your time in it day in and day out, you’ll probably forget some key points.  At the time, I made a note that I need to record some additional videos to show some of the functionality we reviewed.  This would help him later on as a refresher without having to schedule myself or someone else to walk him through it again.

Of course, when I think to do these things, other tasks take over, and I never get to them.  However, as luck would have it, I got an internal email on the way home.  The email was asking for help with showing granular delegation through QARS.  So here is my 6 minute, really quick and off-the-cuff recording (this one has audio).  Enjoy:

Hopefully, I’ll be able to find the time to post more of these recordings . . . or coerce someone else into doing a few as well.

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