Quick Mac Tip: Disabling download warning prompt

by dimikagi

I’ve converted over to using a Mac full-time for work, and its not been without its challenges.  But one of the most annoying things is when I download something, and then go to open it, I get prompted as to whether I actually want to open.  This smacks of Window’s UAC which is one thing I was glad to leave behind in the conversion.  Thankfully, through a lot of searching, I was able to find this solution.  Create a text file with the following text:

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”
<plist version=”1.0?>

Now, simply put the file in ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.DownloadAssessment.plist .  This is a user-specific setting, so the ~ indicates the user’s home folder.  Every user will need this file in their preferences if they don’t want this behavior.

Will this make your machine more ‘insecure?’  Absolutely, so be sure to know what you’re doing by choosing this option.  And if you do it, and are not satisfied, its on you – I take no responsibility for you downloading some malware.

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