Convergence 2014 Proposed Topics

Session 1

Dmitry Kagansky, Vice President, Enterprise Applications & Mobility
CRM and Mobility – The Case for a Different View
Microsoft Dynamics CRM, as well as computing in general, has experience a radical change in the last few years. Users have now “work shifted” and are accessing CRM from a number of locations, on various devices, and in ways that were not possible before. And while Dynamics CRM provides an easy to customize interface, there is a case to be made for dedicated apps.

This session will discuss Dynamics CRM in the context of the remote and mobile user. We will cover considerations and steps that need to be taken when designing and developing an application for CRM to accommodate the changing environment, and use cases that were not possible in the past but are now the norm.

Session 2

Dmitry Kagansky, Vice President, Enterprise Applications & Mobility
Mark Broghammer, Technical Director,

Finding the Right CRM Partner
There are many guides and presentations to help find service providers but the unique nature of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which allows it to be a flexible platform for a variety of functions, makes it especially difficult to find a suitable partner. This informative session will educate administrators and users on how to find the right environment for their unique CRM implementation. It will cover the gotchas, pitfalls, and other considerations encountered not only by customers, but also by third party software vendors and solution providers in working with a hosted version of CRM. Attendees will gain an understanding of how to select a vendor for hosting their CRM, and the challenges they can expect in moving to their new version of CRM.

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